好喜欢这张。。我觉得葬和图都是拉特拉的“异类” https://twitter.com/SidleyChris_08/status/1660461748502265856
"I overheard your supervising professor complaining about a conflicting department meeting during this exam," Byleth said, voice barely above a whisper. "I may have suggested he ask you to sit in for him. You're not mad at me, are you?"
"N-no." Dimitri swallowed hard. "Not now that you're here. Please, Byleth, let me finish."
“You’re beautiful,” Byleth tells him. His free hand traces a thin line down Dimitri’s spine and the touch is warm in contrast with the cold air of the room, like fire burning at his skin, consuming him. “Your body is always so ready for me. I love it when you’re like this.”
"No?" Byleth's hands traced up the length of Dimitri's body, up his arms to tangle with his fingers above his head. Byleth kissed the back of Dimitri's neck and rolled his hips in a slow circle, his entire weight laid against Dimitri's back. This was nice. Indulgent. Almost lazy. Of the two of them, Byleth was the shorter and more narrow through the chest and shoulders, so supporting his weight was no problem for Dimitri. He breathed easily, reveling in the feel of Byleth inside him and above him, relaxed, slow and languid. Dimitri could almost fall asleep like this.
"Don't worry, no one else will ever see it." Byleth's blue eyes danced on the screen. "Except perhaps you
嗯…喜欢这个 blue eyes danced on the screen 的形容 因为是笑着的 镜头又在晃动…
"Just this one part." Byleth nuzzled the side of Dimitri's neck. "It's my favorite part, look."
有点out of context 但好喜欢看贝用鼻子蹭dimi的脖子…呵呵… 感觉不是撒娇而是为了让对方妥协的行为……明明看起来充满温情才对…
"I can see that," Byleth said, eyes flicking to the toy, making Dimitri blush. He stepped into the room, cupped Dimitri's chin and leaned down for a kiss. His eyes were playful when the kiss broke. "Is there anything left for me?"
太s… 明明没有鞭子都是糖 smile and kiss 但感觉有一点凉意和威胁 呵呵
Too Much is Never Enough
sweet prince
Sweet Truth
divine pulse
Jeritza von Hrym/My Unit | Byleth