@chiyu N, the idea vs. N, the man

Everyone knows N is cool as fuck. But who knows what he is thinking? Who knows why he crushes ouroboros? And why do we think of him fondly as we think of the mythical (nonexistent?) Founder of House Vandam? Perchance.

I believe it was Na’el who said “Experience without theory is blind, but theory without experience is mere intellectual play.” N exhibits experience by crushing ouroboros all day, but he exhibits theory by saying “Let-A go!” Keep it up, baby!

When N leaves his place of safety to stomps a ouroboros, he knows yet, for a man who can harvest lives with sword, a life becomes a mere waste of value. A mote that can be ignored, much as a Moebius feels any law with a kill is a price. We think of N as a villain, but he is simply a one percenter of a more privileged variety. The lifelesskind. Perchance.

@chiyu 看来是M老师在《N学》课上布置的作业(


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